Sibo “Carl” Zhou earns a USC Renaissance Scholar Prize and degrees in applied mathematics, religion, economics and data science, and global studies.

May 10
CFX USC Dornsife will host two ceremonies on the Allyson Felix Field. USC Dornsife Ceremony One will take place at 11:00 A.M. and USC Dornsife Ceremony Two will take place at 2:30 P.M.
Science and Technology

Earth sciences isn’t just for Earth

Extending their expertise into the solar system, Earth scientists aid in the exploration of our planetary neighbors, including the search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

USC Dornsife Magazine

The Energy Issue

As we face the challenges of climate change, the energy choices we make now have never been more crucial. In this issue of USC Dornsife Magazine, we look at energy through the diverse lenses of our scholars’ research — from finding nature-inspired solutions to meet our future energy needs to weighing the pros and cons of nuclear power. We report how ancient technology is shaping advances in cooling technology, we explore natural and esoteric energy, and we delve into the unique demands of our own “body electric.”

Congratulations to professor Percival Everett, whose book Erasure made L.A. Times’ 50 Best Hollywood Books of All Time! It’s also the book on which Oscar winner “American Fiction” was based.

Full list ➡️–04–08/the-50-best-hollywood-books-of-all-time-ultimate-hollywood-bookshelf

Some of our favorite moments from the 2024 Climate Forward Conference.


Samantha Bee: Comedian, host, writer, producer; Host, “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee,” former correspondent, “The Daily Show”

The USC Dornsife undergraduate experience is different. How? Hear it from our dean.

#UniversityofSouthernCalifornia#uscdornsife #liberalarts #IGotIntoUSC#futuretrojan #fighton

What To Do With My History Degree: TRX Founder’s Story

What To Do With My History Degree: TRX Founder’s Story

Randy Hetrick, CEO of TRX, shares his founder’s story and how he leveraged his history degree from USC Dornsife to a global brand.